




jrjjessie 2006-4-6 16:41 [复制链接]
The Golden Touch
Once there was a King. His name was Midas.(从前有一位国王叫做迈德斯.)
Midas loved gold very much. And there was a house made of stone. He put every bit of gold in this house. Midas went to the stone house every day. He opened every box and put his hand in the gold, then he took the gold up in his hands. (迈德斯喜欢金子.他有一座用石头砌成的房子,他把每一块金子都有放在这所房子里.迈德斯每天都去石头房,打开每个箱子看金子,他把自己的手放在金子上,用双手捧起金子. )
Midas: Gold! Gold! Oh, I love gold. I do love gold. I don’t want to buy things with my gold. I want to have my gold. I do love gold! (迈德斯: 金子!金子!啊!我喜爱金子!我确实喜爱金子.我不用我的金子去买东西,我要拥有金子,我喜爱金子!)
Midas had a beautiful garden. There were many beautiful flowers and trees in it. And he had a child. She is very beautiful.(迈德斯有一座美丽的花园,里边有很多美丽的花和树。.迈德斯有一个孩子-----一位美丽的小姑娘.)
There was a gad called Amelie. One day Amelie came to the garden of King Midas. The little girl was in the garden. She saw Amelie.(有一位女神,名叫Amelie.有一天, Amelie 来到迈德斯国王的花园.小女孩正在花园里,她见到Amelie.)
Girl: Who are you? What are you doing in my father’s garden?(公主: 你是谁?你到我父亲的花园干什么?)
Amelie: I am Amelie. I have come to open the flowers and make your garden beautiful. (花神: 我是Amelie ,我来会使鲜花开放,让你的花园变得漂亮.)
Then little girl was very glad. She was glad to see Amelie. The little girl took the hand of Amelie. (于是小女孩十分高兴,她很高兴见到Amelie .小女孩拉着Amelie 的手去了花园.)
Girl: Come with me. I will help you to open the flowers. Show me how to open the flowers in my garden. (公主: 跟我来,我来帮你让鲜花开放,给我看看在我的花园里鲜花是怎样开放.)
Then Amelie went with the little girl and showed her how to open the flowers. At noon the little girl went in to the house. The day was hot. Amelie sat down at the foot of a tree. She fell asleep. And she sleeping at the foot of a tree in the garden. She slept, then the servants came to the garden. Then one of them saw Amelie at the foot of a tree. (于是, Amelie 就和小姑娘一起走,让她看花是怎样开放的.中午的时候,小姑娘回屋去了.这一天天气很热. Amelie坐在一棵树底下,睡着了.她是在国王的花园里的一棵树下睡觉.她睡着了,国王的仆人们来到花园.这时,其中一个仆人看见Amelie在树下睡觉.)
SA: Who is this woman? She has come to take the flowers! But the day was hot, and she fell asleep, and we should catch her. (仆A:她是谁?她是来摘花的!但是,大热天的,她睡着了,我们应当抓住她.)
Then he went and called another servants. Then all the other servants came to the place. They caught Amelie. They took her to the King. (然后,他去叫来一个仆人,接着,其他的仆人也都来到这个地方,他们抓住Amelie,领着去见国王.)
SS: This is the woman whom we found sleeping in the garden. She came to take your flowers. (仆人:这就是我们发现睡在花园中的那个人,她来摘您的花.)
King: Why did you come to take my flowers? Why did you not ask me for some flowers? I give flowers to all who ask for them. I have given flowers to many poor men. (国王:你为什么来摘我的花?你为什么不向我要些花呢?凡要鲜花的人我都会给他的,我把鲜花给了许多贫穷的人.)
Amelie didn’t answer. (Amelie没有回答.)
King: Do you love flowers? (国王:你喜欢花吗?)
Amelie: Yes. I love flowers, but I have not taken any of your flowers.(花神:是的.我喜爱花,但我没有摘您的花.)
King: Have you any children? Do you want to take any flowers to your children? (国王:你有孩子吗?你要摘花给您的孩子吗?)
Amelie: The flowers are my children. (花神:花就是我的孩子.)
King: This woman may go, and she may take any flowers she wants. (国王:这个人可以放了,她想要什么花就可以摘什么花.)
Amelie: O King! You are a good man. You have been good to me. You love flowers, and you love your child. I am a gad. I will give anything that you ask. Ask me for anything and I will give it to you. (花神:国王啊!你是一位好人,你待我很好.你喜欢鲜花,你爱你的孩子.我是一个神,我会满足您一切要求,向我要吧,要什么我都给您.)
King: Can I ask for anything? (国王:我能要任何东西吗?)
Amelie: Yes. Do you want more flowers? or more children? (花神:是的,您要很多的鲜花吗?或者很多孩子?)
King: flowers are beautiful, but gold is more beautiful. I want more gold. I want to change things to gold. If I put my hand on anything, it shall be changed into gold. Give me that. (国王:鲜花是美丽的,但金子更美丽,我要很多金子,我想把东西变成金子,当我把手放到任何一件东西上,它就能变成金子.你就给我这法术吧.)
Amelie: OK, close your eyes. (花神:可以满足您的要求----闭上您的眼睛。)
Midas dream has come true, and one day he sat down at a table to write. He touched the table, and the table was changed into gold. He wrote, and, as he touched the paper, it was changed into gold. So at this moment, if the King touch one thing, it will be changed into gold. Now, he wanted to eat. He went into the hall. (迈德斯的梦想终于实现了.他坐在桌子旁写东西,他摸一下桌子,桌子就变成了金的.它变成了一张金桌子,他拿自己的笔写,当他摸到笔,它就变成了金的.他写字,当摸到纸时,它就变成了金的.这时当他摸到任何一件东西时,它就会变成金的.此时迈德斯感到饿了,他想吃东西.他进了小屋,并召来一个仆人)
King: Servant, bring me food. (国王:把饭菜端来)
SA: King, this is your food. (.仆人:国王这是您的饭.)
The servant brought more food, Midas touched it, and it was changed into gold. He could not eat it. Midas drank some water, the water changed into gold. He could not drink it.(仆人端上来了很多饭菜.但迈德斯一摸它,它就变成了金的,饭菜都不能吃了.迈德斯想喝水,水变成金的,他不能喝了.)
King: How shall I eat? How shall I drink? If I can’t eat and drink, I will die! (国王:我怎么吃?我怎么喝?如果我不能吃喝,我会饿死的!)
He stood up. He had eaten nothing. He had drunk nothing. The little girl came into the hall.(他站起来.他什么也没吃,什么也没喝.这时,小女孩进了小屋. )

Girl: Oh, father! Our beautiful roses have been killed. Who has killed our roses? (公主:啊,父王!我们那些美丽的玫瑰花都给毁掉了,谁毁掉我们的玫瑰花?)
King: The roses have been changed to gold, my child, gold is more beautiful than flowers.
Girl: cry (小女孩哭了.)
King: don’t cry, my child. Come, we will change some more flowers to gold. We will change all the flowers to gold. (国王:不要哭,我的孩子.过来,我们要把更多的花变成金的,我们要把所有的花都变成金的.)
Girl: Oh, father! Give back my flowers. Go back to the garden. Change the flowers back. (Crying) (公主:啊,父王!把花还给我吧,回到花园,把花变回来吧.)
King: don’t cry, little girl. Don’t cry, my child. Don’t cry any more .I will change the gold back into flowers.(国王:不要哭,小姑娘,不要哭,我的孩子,不要再哭了,我一定把花变回来.)
(The girl didn’t cry any more) (她不再哭了.)
King: Father love you. I love you as much as I love gold. Soon you will be a big girl. When you are a big girl, you will love gold as much as I do. (国王:爸爸爱你,我像爱金子那样喜爱你,马上你就是个大姑娘了,当你长大的时候,你就会像我一样喜爱金子.)
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发表于 2006-4-6 16:42:41


The Golden Touch
She was not crying .she said nothing. She could not say anything. As soon as the king touched her, she was changed into gold. Midas looked at his child. He saw what he had done. As soon as he saw what he had done. (她没有哭.她没开口.她不能说任何话了.当迈德斯抚摸她的时候,她就变成了金的.迈德斯看着自己的孩子,他发现了他的做的事.一发现自己所做的事,他就大叫起来.)
King: Help! Help! What was I done? Help! Help! (国王:救命!救命!啊,我做了什么呵!我害死自己的女儿,她也变成了金的了. )
Ss: We will go away from here. The king is a magician (They cyied) he changes everything to gold. He has killed his child and changed her to gold. He will kill us and change us to gold. We will not work for him any more. (Then they run away) (仆人:我们要离开这里,国王是一个魔法师!他把所有的东西都变成了金的,他害死了自己的孩子,把她变成了金的,他将会害了我们,把我们变成金的,我们不再为他做事了.(他们这样喊到,然后他们都跑了.))
There was no one in the house. Midas sat there, with his dead child. He went out and changed more things to gold. Then he went and looked at the cows. He touched one cow and it was changed to gold. (王宫一个人也没有,迈德斯和他死了的孩子坐在那里.他出去又把一些东西变成金子.他把所有的动物都变成了金的.)
King: I will make them all gold.  I will have nice golden cows. Then, I will get no milk. I don’t want any milk. (国王:我要把它们都变成金的,我将有美丽的金奶牛.我再也不会有牛奶喝了.)
Soon he came back .he looked at his little girl. He looked up at the sky. The sun was going down. Changing the sky to gold. Gold! Gold! All gold! Then Midas went out into the garden and cried. Amelie came to Midas as he crying in the garden. He stood before him. (不久,他回来了.他看着自己的小女儿.他抬头望着天空.太阳要下山了,把天空变成了一片金黄色.金子!金子!----都是金子.然后,迈德斯出来了,到了花园,他哭了.此时, Amelie来了,她站在迈德斯面前.)
Amelie: are you happy now, king? (花神:现在您幸福吗,国王?)
King: no. I was happy before. I was happy before you came. But now I am very unhappy. (国王:不,我从前是幸福的.在你上次来了以前是幸福的.可是现在我很不幸.)
Amelie: but you have much gold now. Why are you dot happy? No one has as much gold as you have now. You said that nothing was as beautiful as gold. (花神:但现在您有许多金子,为什么您不幸福?还没有一个人像您现在这样拥有这么多的金子.您说过没有什么东西跟金子一样美丽.)
King: I don’t want it. I don’t want gold. I want my little girl back. Give me back my little girl! Give me back my flowers. Take away all this gold and give me back the things which I love. (国王:我不要!我不要金子,我要把我的小女儿变回来,把我的女儿还给我!把我的花变回来.把所有的金子拿走,让我喜爱的东西都变回来.)
Amelie: go to the river. Jump into the water, and you will be as before. Put water on all the things which you have changed to gold, and they will be as before. (花神:到河边去,跳进水里,您就会跟以前一样,把水洒在所有被变成金子的东西上,他们就会跟从前一样.)
Then Amelie went away. She went up into the sky. Midas run down to the river .she jumped into the water. Then he came out of the water. He put his hand on a stone. The stone was not changed to gold. Then he brought a pot. He filled the pot with water. He run with the pot full of water, came to the hall. He threw the water on his little girl .she changed. She opened her eyes. (然后, Amelie走了.迈德斯跳下河去,他跳进水里.然后从水里出来,他所手放在一块石头上,这块石头没有变成金的.接着他拿了一个罐子过来,装满了水,他提了罐子跑回大厅,他把水泼在女儿身上,她变回来了,睁开了双眼.)
Girl: Oh! Was I asleep? (Crying and then ran into the garden)( 公主:哇! 我是睡着了吗?)
King: no my little girl, you really come back. Come with me. Let’s change all the things back. (国王:不,女儿,你真的回来了!跟我来!让我们一起把所有的东西都变回来吧!)
Then Midas and his little girl run into the garden with pots full of water from the river. As they run, they changed everything back. (于是,迈德斯和他的女儿提着装满河水的罐子一起跑进花园,他们一边跑,一边将所有的东西都变回来。)
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