




liyao1975 2010-9-13 16:02 [复制链接]
Reading (1)
1.How many star signs are there in a year?
2. What is Aries like? (用五个形容词来回答)
3. Is Taurus changeable?
4. Do you think Gemini are curious and selfish?
5. The people from which star sign do not like to argue with others?
   1. Don’t be  ________(急躁) with your children.
   2. Young people should be _______ (充满活力的) . Do you think so?
   3. We take an _______ (积极) part in the school activities.
   4. He is as_______ (固执) as a mule (骡子). He doesn’t like change.
   5. We are _______ (自信) that we can overcome the difficulties.
   6. This girl is polite and _________(文雅). We all want to make friends with her.
   7. You are _______ (富有创造力的) and _______ (富有想象力的). You can be an artist in the future.
   8. We are _______ (成功的) in completing the hard work.
   9. He is a successful man and he is _______ (有耐心的) to do everything.
1.A day is d__________ into 24 hours.
2. My father and I both have s____________ characteristics.
3. Many actors and sports players are e__________ and a________ .
4.Tom can’t sit there quietly. He is i______________ .
5. We shouldn’t s____________ .We should be g_________ to others.
6. The top student in our class is the most h__________ .
7. G__________ up dreaming is hopeless.
8. Children are often c_________ about everything.
9 Though he is one of the most famous writers in China, he is m_______.
10. The person whose star sign is Capricorn is patient and p_______ .
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