




庆贺庆贺 发表在 知识梳理2018-9-6 11:41 [复制链接]
改否定句的方法 一步法
1. be动词(am, is, are)后加否定词not。如:is not are not am not;其中isnot=isn’t, are not= aren’t, 前者为完全形式,后者为缩略形式 注意:否定词notbe后边。
2. can后加not。改成:cannot=can’t.
3. 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词do的否定形式donot=don’t
4. some 改成any
:There is some milk. → There isn’t any milk.
He can swim. →Hecan’t swim.
We like dogs, → Wedon’t like dogs.
1.     They are reading.
2.     We are tall.
3.     It is an elephant.
4.     There is some milk in the glass.
5.     There are some boys in the park.
6.      Mary’sshoes are red.
7.      Myruler is long.
8.      Samis my brother.
9.      Theycan fly kites.
10. He can fly akite.
11. She can swim.
12. We likeplaying in the park.
13. I like PE._______________________
14. I go to thepark after school.
15. They go to thezoo.
16. I have a nicedoll.
17. I likewatching TV.
18. Her mum isthin.
19. They arehappy.
20. Those arecars.
21. We can playfootball.
22. I have somebooks.

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