



五上unit3 our animal friends 第一课时 storytime

NoNONOname 2015-10-8 19:07 [复制链接]
Step 1  Warming up
1. Let’s enjoy(课前音乐)
2. This is me
T: This is me. Myname is Apple. I am an English teacher. I like singing and raising pets. I havelong hair. I can sing. I like dogs.
3. Free talk
T: What do youhave? Do you have big eyes?
What can you do? Can you jump?
What animal do you like? Do you like dogs?
Do you like monkeys/ pandas?
(面向全体问) Do you like animals?
Ss: Yes.
T: That’s great. I like animals too. Animals are ourfriends. Today, we will learn a new unit—unit 3 our animal friends. (引出课题)
3. This is my animal friend
T: Look, this ismy animal friend. It has two eyes and two ears. It has a black nose. I haveanother animal friend. It has four legs. It can run fast. It has a big body. Ithas a long tail. It has a big and long mouth. Look! What is my animal friend?
教:leg, body, tail; 复习:eye, ear, nose, mouth
Ss: dog
T: Yes. I like dogs and Ihave two dogs. One is yellow and the other is white. (教one...the other
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