



Unit2 After school (Story time)

Smilence 发表在 教案课件2014-8-30 10:40 [复制链接]
Unit2 After school (Story time)
1.      能初步听懂、会说、会读单词和词组: hashavego and …, come and…. a football match.
2.      能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:MondayWednesdaySaturday.
3.      能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;She/He has…; What day is it today?及回答It’s…; What a pity!
4.      能初步感知第三人称单数形式has的用法。
5.      能有感情地朗读和表演课文。
1.      能初步听懂、会说、会读单词和词组: hashave,go and …, come and…. a football match.
2.  能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:MondayWednesdaySaturday.
3.  能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;She/He has…; What day is it today?及回答It’s…; What a pity!
4.  能有感情地朗读和表演课文。
1.  能初步感知第三人称单数has的用法,区分第一和第二人称have.
2.  能仿照课文和小伙伴们自由谈论课外生活。
日历 ppt
Step 1Greetings and Free talk
1.      Sing a song (课前 感知) Days of the week
2.      Free talk
T: Boys and girls, Nice to see you.
S: Nice to see you, too.
T: Oh, it’s a sunny day. What day is it today?
S: It’s Thur.
T: Great. What lessons do you have?
S: We/I have…
T: What about after school?
S: I have…
T: Oh, I see. We have the same subjects at school.
  But after school, we can do different activities.
Today , Let’s discuss Unit2 After school (出示课题)
Step2 Presentation
1.      Brain Storm
T: What lessons do you have after school?
S: I have…
T: Oh, she has…. What about you?
S: I have…
T: Oh, I have…he has…
We can use “has” to describe my friend. Teach: has
Let’s ask your friends. (交流彼此的课外活动,并由组长总结)
Ticking time(1)
T: We have different lessons after school. What about Yang Ling?
S: She has…(对“has”做一个反馈)
Teach: a swimming lesson
2. Story time
T: Su Hai is busy. She has some lessons after school. What about her friend, Liu Tao?
What would Liu Tao like to do after school
S: He would like to play table tennis.
T: Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today?
Let’s watch
T: What day is it today?
S: It’s Wednesday.
T: Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends?
S: No.
T: Why? Let’s read the story and try to find the answers.(自读课文,找答案)
Mike    play football match
Su Hai   a swimming lesson
Su Yang  a swimming lesson (让学生说全句)
So they can play table tennis on Saturday.
1)Memory time
2Read the story together.
Read in roles.
Act the story.(学生自由选择合适的方式演绎课文)
Ticking time(2)
3) Fill in the blanks (反馈)
Step3 Consolidation
1.      Let’s go together!
2. Different activities can enrich our experience. 各种各样的课外活动可以丰富我们的生活。
Step 4 Homework
1. Try to read and recite story time with emotion.
2. Try to ask and invite your friend to join your after-school lesson.
3. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.
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