



Unit 9 What’s the Matter? 《牛津小学英语》(江苏版)4A

lihuileelucy 2013-12-3 14:02 [复制链接]

本节课的教学内容是《牛津小学英语》4AUnit 9的第一课时
(1)能听懂、会说、会拼读单词cold, hot, hungry, thirsty, ill 和tired;
(2)熟练运用句型“What’sthe Matter?/ I’m …/Here’s… for you.”。
2.技能目标 :能用贴切的形容词表达自己的感受。
句型 “What’sthe matter? / I’m … / Here’s… for you.”
1.单词tired 的读音;
教师:课件 衣服
学生:食品 衣服和水果等图片
Step 1:Free Talk and Lead-in
1.师生互致问候,教师利用单词cold 引出本节课的词汇教学内容。
T: Hello.How are you?
Ss:Fine,thank you. A nd you?
T:Not so good.I’m cold.It’s cold outside.Are you cold?
Ss:Yes. / No,…
2.利用学生课前准备好的图片,复习“Here’s…for you.”这一句型。
T:You’ve got many things on your desk.Can you show me?
S1:Here's a hamburger.
T:A hamburger.I’m hungry.Can I have a hamburger?
S1:Here's a hamburger for you.
T:Thank you.
S2:Look, here’s some juice.
T:Juice. I like juice. I’m thirsty now. Can I havesome juice?
S2:Yes,here’s some orange juice for you.
T:Thank you very much.
Free talk 活动结合生活渗透对单词cold的学习;在让学生出示图片的过程中,帮助学生回忆表示食品,服饰和生活用品的单词及句型“Here’s… for you.”,为下一环节的教学埋下伏笔。
Step 2Presentation
1.教师以自我介绍和讲故事 的方式导入新课。
T: I’m Deng Lili.I’m from Hua Luogeng Experimentalschool. I like reading.Do you like reading?
Ss: Yes.
T: Do you like stories?
Ss: Yes, we like stories.
T: Here’s a very nice story. Let’s read it, okay?
Ss: Okay.
2.教师打算用多媒体课件呈现故事,突然间电脑黑屏了 (这是教师故意设置的教学环节),教师趁机引入本节课的重点句型。
T:Oh,what’sthe matter? What’s the matter with the computer?
当学生都把注意力集中在电脑屏幕上时,电脑突然黑屏,激发了学生的好奇心和求知欲,在这一过程中自然地引出“What’s the matter?”这一句型。这样的导入情景真实且自然,令学生印象深刻。
1.课件呈现一个卖火柴的小女孩(LittleMatch Girl)在大雪天冻得瑟瑟发抖的画面。
T: It’s the last day of the year. It’s snowy and verycold. There’s a little girl in the street. She’s selling matches. Look, shewears no sweater or shoes. Is she happy? Let’s ask her.
(教师示意学生向画面中的LittleMatch Girl提问。)
Ss: Are you happy?
(课件做相应的回答。 C---Computer)
C: No.
T: She’s not happy. Why? What’s the matter? What’s thematter with her?
课件呈现句型“What’s thematter?”,教师领读该句型,并让学生诵读小歌谣“Matter,matter, what’s the matter?”,直至学生能熟练说出这一句型。然后,教师让学生用新学的句型向画面中的LittleMatch Girl提问。
Ss: What’s the matter with you,LittleMatch Girl?
本环节借用了安徒生通话《卖火柴的小女孩》中的一个片段。通过Little Match Girl这一人物线索贯穿整个新单词的教学,使新单词教学在一定的语境中进行。通过用课件呈现Little Match Girl光着脚站在冰天雪地中的情景,自然地引导学生用“What’s the matter?”来询问 Little MatchGirl,训练学生用英语表达对别人的关心,同时培养学生的爱心。
Step 3:Practice1
1.学生与画面中的LittleMatch Girl展开对话。
(G = LittleMatch Girl)
G:I’m cold.
(课件呈现单词cold。教师领读单词cold,并让学生先拼读old,然后自然过渡到拼读单词cold;教师引领学生反复操练cold的发音,直至学生会读、会拼写cold这个单词;之后,教师引导学生利用自制的图片,运用本节课所学的词汇和句型与画面中的LittleMatch Girl进行对话。)
Ss: What’s the matter , Little Match Girl?
G: I’m cold.
T:Here’s ajacket / sweater /coat for you.
G: Thank you.
T: The Little Match Girl is very cold. Are you cold ?
Ss: No , we are not cold.
T: Are you hot?
Ss: Yes / No.
S1: What’s the matter , Little Match Girl?
S2: I’m cold.
S1: Here’s a jacket / sweater for you.
S2: Thank you.
S1: Not at all.
T:Let’s helpthe little girl , okay?
Ss: Okay.
T: Are you cold now, Little Match Girl?
G: No , I get a jacket / sweater from the students.They are very kind . I’m not cold now.
(教师引导学生继续向LittleMatch Girl提问。)
S1: Are you happy now ?
G: No, I’m not happy.
S2: What’s the matter?
G: I’m tired.
4.教学单词hungry和thirsty,并继续操练句型“ What’s thematter?”。
S3: What’s the matter, Little Match Girl?
G: I’m hungry / thirsty.
S4: Here’s … for you.
教师引导学生继续与LittleMatch Girl对话。
S1: Are you happy now, Little Match Girl?
G: No, I’m not happy.
S2: What’s the matter , Little Match Girl?
G: I’m ill.
S3: Here’s a chair for you.
S4: Here’s a bed for you.
S5: Here’s a cup of tea for you.
S6: Let’s see the doctor.
S7: Let’s go to hospital.
Step 4 :Practice2
Matter, matter, what’s the matter?
Hot , hot , I am hot.
Matter, matter, what’s the matter?
Cold , cold , I am cold.
学生用tired, ill,hungry和thirsty替换hot和cold,多次练习说以上歌谣。
T: What’s the matter? Are you hot?
S1: Yes, I am.
T: Here’s a fan for you.
S1: Thank you.
T: Not at all.
S1: What’s the matter? Are you tired?
S2: Yes, I am.
S1: Here’s a chair for you.
S2:Thank you.
S1: Not at all.
让学生用“What’s the matter? / I’m … / Here’s… for you.”等互相问答,情景既真实又贴切,有利于提高学生参与学习活动的积极性。
Step 5:Application
A: Hello!
B: Hello!
A: How are you?
B: Fine, thank you. And you?
A: I’m fine , too.
B: Let’s play football.
A: OK. (cough)
B: Are you ill?
A: No.
B: What’s the matter?
A: I’m thirsty.
B:Here’s somejuice for you.
A: Thank you.
B: Not at all.
Step 6:Homework

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