




深秋 2006-10-16 20:42 [复制链接]

Volume 4,  2006  ( Music  )
1.A: Good morning. I’m…
B: Good morning. I’m…   Welcome to our program “good morning, kids” ----Volume4

2.  A: Hi, … .Let’s play badminton after class! 下课后去打羽毛球吧。
B: Sorry, I can’t. I’m studying my tail off.
A:  什么?学习把尾巴都学掉了。
B: Of course not. 当然不是。I’m studying my tail off. 是说我最近学习太辛苦了。A: I’m studying my tail off, too. 那, 工作很辛苦,很忙。是不是说:“I’m working my tail off.”
B: Yes. I’m studying my tail off.  I’m working my tail off.
A: 我可不会忙成这样。 我会很合理地安排时间。I think you’re a last minute man.
B: A last minute man?  What does it mean?
A: A last minute man. 是指做事拖拖拉拉,拖到最后一分钟做事的人。就像我们中国有句俗话“临时抱佛脚”。 Never be a last minute man.
B: Oh, yes. I’ll never be the last minute man.  我再也不临时抱佛脚了。

3.        A: OK. Let’s enter the next Module “Big big world” 在今天的英语大世界栏目中,我们一起来学习一句英语格言。
B:Faith will move mountains. 这句话的意思就是: 精诚所至,金石为开。
faith是 “信仰、信心” 的意思。 大家一起来跟我读吧!Faith will move mountains.
A:Faith will move mountains.  。。。Faith will move mountains.
B: 大家都记住了吗?再来读一读。Faith will move mountains.

4. A: If we work hard every day, we’ll not be in hot water. Let’s enjoy ….’s composition. 下面我们来听听。。。的暑期作文吧!

5. B: 又到我们的Super ears ( 听力超人) 栏目了,要练练大家的听力了。Please listen carefully!
A: Today is Betty’s eleventh birthday. Her mother, Mrs. Black, make a big cake for her. Betty’s classmates come to Betty’s house. They give Betty lots of small presents. There are cards, storybooks and some bookmarks. Betty cut’s the cake into small pieces and gives them out. They are having a good time.
B: Question:  1. How old is Betty?
                        2. Who’s Betty’s mother?
                        3. What are the birthday presents?

6. A: It’s time for our Funny Time. First let’s learn to say a tongue twister. 下面是我们的开心时刻,先来说一句绕口令。 A big black bear sat on a big black bug.
B: 说绕口令时要学会断句,那样就很容易了。跟我一起读吧!A big black bear/ sat on/ a big black bug. ….   A big black bear sat on a big black bug. ….  
A:   A big black bear sat on a big black bug. … A big black bear sat on a big black bug.

7. B: 下面我们来说说上周英语日的情况。上个星期的英语日,很多的同学都记得用英语来交流。通过我们英语红领巾检查员的记录,以下同学表现的真不错。(读表格。)

8. B:It’s time to say goodbye. Everybody, thank you very much for your listening.
A: Bye-bye.

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