



译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean Cartoon time课件及教案

多多的妈咪 发表在 教案课件2015-11-30 13:27 [复制链接]
Teaching Plan For Cartoon time,Unit6
Teacher: Zou Yingying
Date: November 26,2015
Content: Cartoon time,6A, Unit6
Teaching aims:
1.     Be able to listen ,speak, and read the following words:  skin , slip , throw, ground, museum, fall and pick  up.
2.     Be able to understand the text of the cartoon time.
3.     Be able to form the good  habit of no littering everywhere.
Teaching aids: Multimedia, poster
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Warm-up
1.     Enjoy a song.<< if you are happy>>
T: Are you happy after enjoying the song ?
Ss: Yes
T: So am I and today I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to be your English teacher.
So come back to the subject, let’s begin our class, OK?
2.Free talk
T :First of all, I’ll have some questions for you.
1). What day is it today?
2).What’s the weather like today?
3).What subject do you like best?
4).What about you?
1). (ppt出示单元课题)
T: So much for this, today we’ll go on to learn Unit6.
Who can read the title?
Let’s read the title together.
2).(ppt出示图片Bobby, Tina and Billy)
T: Today, Bobby, Tina and Billy will take us a present. If you want to get it, you should finish two tasks.
Task1: Please speak quickly what you see.快速说出看到的内容。
T; Good job! Congratulations!
Task2:Please speak should or shouldn’t loudly.大声地说should or shouldn’t.
If you think the following behaviors should be done, you please say “should”; otherwise please say “shouldn’t”.
a).spit on the street
b).pour dirty water into the river
c).put rubbish in the bin
d).throw rubbish on the ground
Teach two new words “throw and ground”, and read them one by one.
e).pick up the rubbish
Teach the new verb phrase “pick up”, and read it one by one.
Step2. Lead in
(ppt出示the present box)
T: OK, now let’s open the present box, they’re the city photos where Bobby, Tina and Billy live. So let’s enjoy them.
ppt1: T: What are these?
     Ss: They are shops.
ppt2: T: What are these?
     Ss: They are cinemas.
ppt3: T: What are these?
     Ss: They are museums.
Teach the new word “museum”, and read it one by one.

T: After enjoying the photos, what do you think of the city ?
  Is it clean?
  Is it beautiful?
Ss: Yes.
T: So it’s clean and beautiful.
  There are many museums, shops, and cinemas.
Do Bobby and Tina like living in the city? Can you guess?
Bobby:” I like living in the city.”
Tina:” I like living in the city too.”
TSo both Bobby and Tina like living in city.
Step3: Cartoon time
1. Watch and answer.
TAs we all know, Bobby is usually a very happy boy, but what happened on the way home today made him unpleasant. Because he did a bad thing, he had to go to the hospital. Is he ill?
TLook, Billy’s leg has broken. He is lying on the bed of the hospital.
   What makes Billy’s leg broken ?
   So please watch the cartoon carefully and try to answer the question.
(ppt出示a banana skin引导学生回答)
Ss: It’s a banana skin.
Teach the new word “skin”, and read it one by one.
T: What happened to Billy actually?
Just as Tins and Bobby, Billy was also walking home after school happily, suddernly, a banana skin appeared, unluckily, he stepped on it, and immediately, we could hear his scream “Ouch”!
So at last “Billy slips on the banana skin and falls.”
Teach the new words “slip and fall”.
Read them after the teacher and read them one by one.
T: Who throws the banana skin? Let’s have a look..
S: Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground.
T: Yes, what a pity for Billy. He could not go back home any more. He had to stay in the hospital by himself.
2.     Guess.
T: Hearing this, Tina is very angry, what will she say to Bobby? Can you guess?
Please choose the tight sentences from these sentences.
The right order is like this. Who can read them with correct tone and mood?
1).Bobby, you shouldn’t do that!
2).Pick it up.
3).It makes the street messy.
T: Billy is so pitiful and depressed. If you were Billy, how will you say to Bobby?
  Who can read this sentence with correct mood?
“ Bobby, you should put your rubbish in the bin.”
3.     Read the story. (注意升降调和重读)
4.     Reading task (小组为单位自由选择以下任务)
1). Read the story fluently
2).Read in roles with mood ★★
3).Act the story ★★★
Step4 Consolidation
1.     Think
At last, Bobby realized his mistake, how will he do? Will he still throw the rubbish on the ground?最后,Bobby认识到自己的错误,他会怎么做呢?
引导学生说:He can put the rubbish in the bin and do something to keep his city clean.
Think it over: What can we do to keep our city clean?
We can...
  plant more trees         take the bus and the metro to school
  walk to school          move some factories away from our city
  put rubbish in the bin
2.     Summary
T: So to keep our city clean
  Let’s start from things around us.
  Let’s start from our school.
3.     拓展:Make a poster 完成保护校园环境的宣传海报
T: So to protect our school environment what can we do to keep our school clean?
Please take out your poster, work in groups of six and write down your suggestions.
The more the better!
What can we do to keep our city clean?
We can…
For example: we can pick up the waste paper.
           We can clean the desks and chairs.
           We can sweep the floor.
At last, to keep our school clean, there are many things worthy of our considerations.
In a word, let’s start from our school and from me.  
Step5: Homework
1. Share your ideas with your friends  "What can we do to keep our home clean?"
2.Try to tell the story of Bobby, Tina and Billy to your parents.


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