



译林英语6A unit2教案

米啥呀 2017-9-20 19:24 [复制链接]
Unit 2 What a day!
The1st period
《义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点 六年级上册)》Unit2Story time
1. 能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny,windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy/ windy / rainy。
2. 能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting,weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain。
3. 能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。
4. 能理解日记内容,并初步能描述自己过去一天的生活。
5. 能初步感知天气表达的句型。
6. 能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解。
1. 能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny,windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy/ windy / rainy。
2. 能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting,weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain。
3. 能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。
4. 能初步感知天气表达的句型。
5. 能理解日记内容,并初步能描述自己过去一天的生活。
2. 对动词过去式的不规则变化的认读。
3. 能理解日记内容,并初步能描述自己过去一天的生活。   
   am__________        are___________      go__________   
become___________  bring____________   see__________
   can_________        rain_____________   fly_________   
二、 通过预习,我能说出这些图片的意思!
  ______________     ______________        _____________        _____________
Step 1 Free talk andlead-in
1) Free talk.  (Topic: Day, date, weather)
T: What day was it yesterday?What date is it today? ( The...of September)
      What was the weather like yesterday?
T: Hello, boys and girls. Do youhave any favourite things?
T: I have some favourite things,too. Would you know something more about me?
Topic: Favourite things;Favourite animals; Hobbies
在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey
在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show
在Hobbies话题中引出I like playing andwriting diaries very much. Learn: diaries diary
Step 2 Presentationand practice
1) Show a picture
T: This is Yang Ling.She likes writing diaries, too. 出示日记抬头部分
T: This is a diary ofhers. What a day!
  What day was it? Sunday
  What date was it?  20th September(9月20号) 透英文日记的书写格式
2) Read and find
Yang Ling’sdiary:  How was the weather...?
a. It was ...in themorning.
b. Then, the weatherbecame...           Learn: become-became
c. In the afternoon,there were black clouds in the sky. It …
Check and learn:become windy, rain, rainy
3) Watch the video andtry to order(排序)


Check the answer
4) a. Look and say
Su Hai, Liu Tao and____ went to the _____ by _____. Learn: go-went
b. Read and answer
Was there a parrotshow in the park? What did they see?
Learn: a parrot show,see-saw
The weather becamewindy and cloudy. What did they do?
Learn: fly-flew
What did they bringfor lunch?
Learn: bring-brought,dumpling
Could they eat theirlunch? Why?
Learn: honey, could
How were they in theafternoon?
Learn: wet, hungry andwet
c. What do you thinkof her day? Happy? Bad? ...
Lead into: What a badday! – What a day!
5) Let’s read.
a. Let’s imitate.
b. Let’s readtogether.
Step 3 Consolidation
1) Read and order


Check and read:
It was sunny in themorning.
The children went tothe park by bike.
They saw someinteresting parrots in the park.
The weather becamewindy and cloudy.
They flew kites inthe  park.
They saw ants and beeson their lunch.
In the afternoon,there were black clouds in the sky.
It rained.
They were hungry and wet.
2)Read and judge


3) Try to retell thediary.

Step 4 Homework
1) Read the storyfluently, understand the story and try to retell.
2) Copy, read andrecite the new words and phrases and prepare for the dictation.
3) 完成同步练习 Unit2 随堂练习(1)
Blackboard design:
Unit 2 What a day!
What’s the weatherlike today?      It’s sunny/cloudy.
What was the weatherlike yesterday? It was rainy/windy.
Sunday,20th September
Morning: sunny; wentto the park by bike: a parrot show; saw some interesting parrots;
became windy andcloudy: flew kites high in the sky;
Lunchtime: broughtdumplings, bread, honey, drinks
Ants: could not eatour lunch
Afternoon: blackclouds; rained; be hungry and wet

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