stellayaoshenyu 发表于 2019-4-4 14:04:09


Unit4 Road Safety☆基础题一、用所单词的适当形式填空。1. __________(keep) safe, you ________(can) wait on the pavement and look ________(careful).You __________(must) play football on the road.2. You________(can) cross the road with other people. Then the drivers can see you________ (easy).3.Follow the _______ (rule) and stay __________(safe) on the road! Cross the road__________(safe)! 二、翻译句子。1. 在马路上,你不能跑。________________________________________2. 我们应该在人行道上等候。 ________________________________________3. 你能找到一条人行横道(斑马线)吗? ________________________________________☆☆挑战题 1.InAustralia, people drive on the ________ side of the road.In ________,people drive on the right side of the road.2. You can go to Macau by plane.= You can _________ the plane ________ Macau.= You can _______ to Macau.
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