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Unit4 Road safety

课题Unit4 Road safetyStory time课时1主备人丁京梅
教学目标1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 2. 初步感知运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t…3. 初步掌握文中出现的交通规则。 4. 理解,掌握课文内容,用正确的语音语调朗读课文。
重点 能正确运用本课的生词和日常交际用语。能借助提示,完整的复述本课内容。
教学过程   教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式修 正
一导入提出问题 Step1. Warm up & Lead in1. Sing a song. The wheels on the bus.2. Free talk T: How do you come to school? T: I see. You use different traffic tools to come to school. I think road safety is the most important for us. (Learn the topic: Road safety ) S: Yes.T: Let’s learn Unit 4 Road safety Sing a song. The wheels on the bus Ss: I come to school by bus\ car\ bike\ on foot. etc.
二 开展自主学习 Step2. Presentation 1. Learn the new words T: Boys and girls, what can you see on the road?Show the pictures about them and learn the new words.pavement , road , zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 2. Learn the traffic rules.T: Now you are a student in Grade 6. Do you know any traffic rules?We must walk on the pavements. (    )We can cross the road with other people.(    )The traffic lights have two colours.(    )We mustn’t run and play on the road. (    )Before crossing the road, we must look left and right.(   )We must run quickly on the road.(    )T: What can you find from the sentences?(让学生读句子,感知语气上的变化,学习生词must。) Ss: I can see …(交通灯,斑马线, green man, red man …) Learn the words the groups, help each other to learn the words. Read the rules and judge.
三 小组合作 交流展示 3.Text teaching1).Watch the cartoon and put the sentences in right orders.A. Sometimes, you can’t find a zebra crossing, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.B. First, you must look for a zebra crossing.C. You can cross the road with other people. Because the driver can see you easily.D. Then, you must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.E. Before crossing the road, you must first look left, then right and then left again. 2) Listen and repeat3) Then complete “Think and write”. Ss read it together. Discuss in groups and pu the sentences in right order Read in groups, help each other to read the text.
四 质疑探究 拓展提高 检测反馈 4) Look and act. If you are a policeman, what should you say? T shows the pictures on P36-37It is a red man. You mustn’t cross the road now.It is a green man. You can cross the road now. You must wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.You can wait with other people. The drivers can see you easily.You mustn’t play on the road.(出示图片,让学生用所学操练。)5) Look and say.Show the picture on page 38.Work in groups Look and act. Look and say.
五 归 纳总 结 Step 3 Summary:情态助动词can, must的用法Step 4 Consolidation1. Finish P38 Think and write. Complete the notes below.2.把教室的布置成街道,让学生边走边说出安全过马路的步骤和注意事项。Show in groups. Then show in front of the class.Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape, read story time fluently..2. Write some traffic rules.
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